What is the biggest cause of foodborne illness?
The biggest cause of foodborne illness is with the handling and preparation of your food. Foodborne illnesses, such as food poisoning or food infection, occur whenever your food becomes contaminated with disease-causing microorganisms. This can be in the form of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses. Not only does your food have to be grown or harvested, but it has to be processed and packaged depending on the type of food. Therefore, it passes through several different hands, leading to several opportunities for contamination.
There are many ways for foods to be contaminated by the people handling and preparing them.
From human or animal wastes - in soil for fruits and vegetables
Not cooking meats long enough
Not storing foods in the refrigerator quick enough
Lack of cleanliness of utensils and cutting/cooking surfaces
Poor personal hygiene - not washing your hands enough
By Vas