what is the biggest inspiration In your life?
THE BIGGEST inspiration within yourself….sure, you can read books, watch motivational videos, ted talks, you tube, attend seminars, heck, even get mentors, spend thousands of dollars……the reality is, when you are all alone, you will need to find that inspiration, the motivation, to “turn up”, to deliver, to execute. I worry that a lot of my successful friends molly cuddle their children, wrap them in cotton balls, protect them….make decisions for them, buy them whatever they want…..they take their life experience away. When they come of age, and have decisions to make, they don’t have a clue, as they have never faced pressure situations.
Inspiration is not found, it is built up over time through:
life experiences
watching and working with others, seeing how they react, how they decide
reading, motivational videos
put children through their own decision making processes, for them to analyse different scenarios, consider different outcomes
making lots and lots of mistakes
being around 5 successful people and achievers
playing team sports
continually learning
finding better ways of doing things
technology is revolutionalising everything, understand how you can harness technology to perform better
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I think my dad was my biggest inspiration and he will always be where I find it is in my heart always may he rest in eternal peace .. Everywhere, in every thing that you can see, nature is big inspiration for my whole life. If somebody wants to find inspiration, he should find beauty in small things.
••♥••hope you like mate••♥••