Physics, asked by VIRAT31675, 6 months ago

What is the cause of dispersion ​


Answered by TheEvilShadow

Answer :

Dispersion occurs due to the different degrees of refraction experienced by different colours of light. Light of different colours may travel with the same speed in a vacuum, but they travel at different speeds in some refracting medium. The speed of violet light is relatively lower than that of red light.

Know More :

Therefore, the refractive index of the medium is largest for violet light and the refractive index is least for red light (in the visible spectrum). As a result, the refraction or bending of violet coloured light is the maximum and that of red coloured light is minimum. This difference in the extent of bending of different colours of light results in the dispersion of white light into its constituent colours as they emerge from a prism.

Hope it will help uhh!!

Answered by Anonymous


Another Predictor of virtual gift purchases in the model is gift giving dispersion .. Which refers to the extent to which virtual gift giving is spread across peers in a network. This is measured by the number of a friend to whom consumer give virtual gift in the network..

hope its help uhh

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