What is the cause of yellow colour water like discharge from left lose?
I can only guess that you mean urinary waste because I do not know many folks who only poop yellow.
Even so, urine may be almost colorless if a person is well hydrated and taking a water pill, or red if there is blood in it or tea colored if the blood is old.
Urine can be blue if some meds are given as well as bright orange, or even green if one has been exposed to food dyes or has a type of psuedomonas infection.
Some people do not hydrate well if their mobility is impaired because they do not want to be trotting to the BR so often and that can be true of a person who is not so old, but it can occur in the elderly because they may not remember to drink or somebody is not encouraging them to do so and offering it to them.
Perhaps you have not had the fortune of being exposed to the urine of many individuals.