What is the causes for the fall of mesopotamia civilization?
Mesopotamia was known as the land between the two rivers , the tigris to the north and Euphrates to the south. Mesopotamia existed 3000 years before it ended . Historians attribute many reason for the fall of mesopotamians .
The two main causes of the decline of this civilisation is
1. War
2. Faulty irrigation system
Mesopotamia's life style was destroyed by war . The different city states were fighting for the control of each others land and would wage all out conflicts among each other to gain territory . They mostly fought for farm lands and would wage all out conflicts among each other to gain territory .
Another important observation is that irrigation techniques are also one of the chief reason for decline of empire . The river were higher than the surrounding plains because of built up silt in the river beds , so the water for irrigation flowed into the fields by gravity. Once water was into the fields it could not drain away easily because the fields were lower than the rivers .
As the water evaporated , it not only lefts its dissolved mineral salts behind , but also drew salts upwards from the lower levels of soil . By 2300 B.C. agricultural economy of the Mesopotamians began to shatter as the soil could no longer support plantation .
The same technique which made the farming possible at some point of time , prevent it during later period of time.
In Mesopotamia, irrigation was essential for crop production. The rivers were higher than the surrounding plain because of built-up silt in the river beds, so water for irrigation flowed into the fields by gravity.Mesopotamiancuneiform tablets tell of crop damage due to salts.