English, asked by tenzinjorden331, 2 months ago

what is the character of a rebel?​


Answered by ayushree59


The Rebel Personality

I have been writing a personality column for Natural Health, where each month I provide some insight into different personalities. Here is some insight into The Rebel. Does this sound like anyone you know?

Everyone has a bit of the Rebel personality within themselves – that part that wants to (and sometimes does) go against the grain and break established rules. Rebel personalities, however, almost always disregard the reasons for rules, even though the outcomes are likely to be painful or of disadvantage to them. Sometimes they do this as a way of asserting a sense of power and control over others, or to try and compensate for real or imagined inner weakness. True rebels are not simply against rules or what others say just for the sake of being different; for example, they will protest wars because they believe in a particular cause, and can articulate it with conviction. In other words, there is method to the rebel’s apparent madness.

Adult rebels can be like obstinate children – no amount of punishment or scolding is going to decrease their rebelliousness, but instead is likely to intensify defiant behavior. Some other identifying.

If you like my answer and feel its correct for your question then just folloow me nothing more needed.

Answered by pranalimungbhate


Characteristics of a Rebel

They value spontaneity and the freedom to do things when they feel like doing them. Rebels are independent-minded and want their lives to be a true expression of their values which are often unconventional. They find conventional living tedious and boring and enjoy being a bit eccentric.


I hope this helps you

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