What is the colour of God by the argument of the peom
It paints a vivid picture of God through the use of colour. There is verbal irony in the poem when the poet through the use of colour tries to emphasise that God actually is colourless yet men of all colours claim their ownership on God . There is personification when the 'rose' laughs, as if it is a human.
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who ever painted God white
He must be black ,the the black
Of course not !he's got be green
quipped the green
But that cannot be. He must
be red, assured the red one
How wrong you all are
He sure is blue,vows the blue one
how silly man is ,laughs the rose
why should he be black or white or green or yellow or even red
of course he is all these and more
Can't you see ? he is
Even rose and emerald,yeah,
And damask and aquamarine
If you doubt me ask the rainbow