what is the common between obelia and Paramecium
The primary body form of the Hydrozoa is the polyp. Hydra is a simple freshwater animal while Obelia lives either in marine or fresh water. The main difference between Hydra and Obelia is that the main body form of Hydra is the polyp whereas Obelia comprises both polyps and medusae in its life cycle.
A. it has a small size obtained called swimming bell and the Medusa is produced by budding from blastocyst styles of qualified obelia Colony
2. Vidisha face is reduced
3. double margin is inter is provided with you long solid tentacles
4. does Helium contains and endodermal link canal crispy dosa dosa
5..aoral am absent and the manubrium is comparatively elongated structure
6. gastric rickets and gastric filaments are absent
7. muscle strength are derived from both epidermis and gastrula drums
9. stratocaster endodermal and and protected by wood and Markets
10.. goals lie on radial kennels externally and the Germans are
11. describe genital pic is absent
12. obelia coelenteron Aur . Stage is the dominant phase the Edward from this time of one
13. no such structure
14. no true matter genius bat Rks of metamorphosis complicated by multiplication in the larval stage
15. fertilization internal the union occurs inside the entrance of the female
16. clear holoblastic but an equal
17. planula processes are constellation
18. the planuln is transformed into Hydra Tuba which produces in hydra tube by budding the Hydra tube grows into trumpet like actual polypoid Skype is which by strobilation or metamorphosis produce the area
I hope it help you