Law of conservation of momentum
The second and third laws of motion lead toan important consequence: the law ofconservation of momentum. Take a familiarexample. A bullet is fired from a gun. If the forceon the bullet by the gun is F, the force on the gunby the bullet is – F, according to the third law.The two forces act for a common interval of tim∆t. According to the second law, F ∆t is thechange in momentum of the bullet and – F ∆t isthe change in momentum of the gun. Sinceinitially, both are at rest, the change inmomentum equals the final momentum for each.Thus if pb is the momentum of the bullet afterfiring and pgis the recoil momentum of the gun,
pg = – pb
i.e. pb + pg = 0. That is, the total
momentum of the (bullet + gun) system is
conserved.Thus in an isolated system (i.e. a system withno external force), mutual forces between pairsof particles in the system can cause momentumchange in individual particles, but since themutual forces for each pair are equal and opposite, the momentum changes cancel in pairsand the total momentum remains unchanged.This fact is known as the law of conservationof momentum :The total momentum of an isolated systemof interacting particles is conserved.
An important example of the application of thelaw of conservation of momentum is the collisionof two bodies. Consider two bodies A and B, withinitial momenta pA and pB. The bodies collide,get apart, with final momenta p′A and p′B respectively. By the Second Lawwhich shows that the total final momentum ofthe isolated system equals its initial momentum.Notice that this is true whether the collision iselastic or inelastic. In elastic collisions, there isa second condition that the total initial kinetic
energy of the system equals the total final kineticenergy
It is the product of mass and velocity of an object.