Physics, asked by kvnmurty, 1 year ago

What is the Davisson and Germer experiment Related to X rays?

Describe briefly.


Answered by saka82411
Davisson and Germer experiment:-

The main principle of this experiment is to prove that the x-rays showing wave character.

Davidson and germer experiment in 1927 conformed the De-broglie wavelength of duality . It also confirmed the see Broglie's wavelength equation.

A beam of electrons obtained from a heated tungsten filament is accelerated through a high potential. It hits a nickel crystal and the electrons are scattered in different directions. The diffraction pattern obtained is similar to Bragg's experiment on diffraction of X-rays.

It is deduced that electrons too have wave nature as the X& rays have wave character. Only waves undergoes diffraction and pattern doesn't undergoes diffraction. The wavelength of the waves are nearly equal to the de-Broglie wavelength.

Apart from that G.P Thomson performed a experiment to verify the wave nature of the x-rays excepting the fact that the thin foil of Gold plate is used instead of nickel crystal.

Hope this helped you a little!!!

kvnmurty: very well written. thank you
Answered by Anonymous
HEY DEAR ... ✌️



Here's , Your Answer ...

=) In 1927 , Davisson and Germer did an experiment and demonstrated that a beam of electrons does suffer diffraction . Their apparatus in shown in figure . Electrons emitted from a heated filament F in an electron-gun are collimated into a fine pencil by perforated diaphragms and are accelerated through a variable potential V . The electron-beam emerging from the gun falls normally on a nickel crystal C . The electrons are diffracted from the crystal in all directions . The intensity of the diffracted beam in different directions is measured by a Faraday cylinder connected to a galvanometer , which can be moved along a circular scale S . The crystal C can be turned about an axis parallel to the incident beam . Thus , any azimuth of the crystal can be presented to the plane defined by the incident beam and the beam entering the Faraday cylinder .



HOPE , IT HELPS ... ✌️
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