Physics, asked by afra1212, 1 year ago

what is the defination for sound propoganda​


Answered by BangtanARMY1306


Have you ever seen or even heard a slowly moving train stop? As it does the front wagon hits the locomotive, bounces back a little and is hit in turn by the second wagon which then bounces back a little and is hit by the third which then…

Well you get the picture. There is a series of small collisions between wagons that propagates from the front to the back of the trains.

Look at what a sound-system speaker does. It rythmically pushes the air next to it, compressing it, the region of compressed air pushes the air next to it and bounces back creating a depressionwhile the zone of compression moves outward. The speaker keeps compressing the air next to it at a certain rate, the frequency or pitch, so that a series of region of compressed air separated by depressed air move outward from it.

When the region of compressed and depressed air reaches an eardrum it pushes the eardrum in and out that vibration is transmitted by tiny bones in the middle ear to the inner ear were cells sensitive to certain frequencies fire and generate a nerve signal that is interpreted as sound in the brain.

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