English, asked by pandumaharaj01, 1 year ago

what is the defination of at​


Answered by hukkuaashi


at used to show where somebody/something is or where something happens

Answered by Aryaman5170


1 —used as a function word to indicate presence or occurrence in, on, or near

staying at a hotel

at a party

sick at heart

2 —used as a function word to indicate the goal of an indicated or implied action or motion

aim at the target

creditors are at him again

3 —used as a function word to indicate that with which one is occupied or employed

at work

at the controls

good at chess

4 —used as a function word to indicate situation in an active or passive state or condition

at liberty

at rest

5 —used as a function word to indicate the means, cause, or manner

sold at auction

laughed at my joke

act at your own discretion

6a —used as a function word to indicate the rate, degree, or position in a scale or series

the temperature at 90

at first

b —used as a function word to indicate age or position in time

will retire at 65


pls mark me as brainliest

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