English, asked by Kumarramnarayan, 1 year ago

What is the definition of "parts of speech"?


Answered by abhiboss
All the english are divided into eight groups a/q to their work in a sentence each group is called parts of speech
Answered by AbhiramiGNath
Parts of speech are a linguistic attempt to parse language. Thre parts of speech are the atoms of the meta-language known as grammar.

There are 8 Parts of Speech in English.

★Noun :

It is a word that is used to indicate the name of anything. It could be the 

i) Name of a Person - e.g. Aristotle, Gandhi, etc.

ii) Name of a thing or an animal or a bird - e.g. Computer, Dinosaur, Emu,etc.

iii) Name of a Place - e.g. Chennai, Tokyo, The Vatican City, etc.

iv) Name of a Period of Time - e.g. Spring, Monday, Era, etc.

v) Name of the quality of a Man or an Animal - Honesty, Ferocity, etc.

vi) Name of an Action (Gerund) - Listening, Speaking, Playing, etc.

★Pronoun :

 It is a word that is used as a substitute for a noun.

 e.g. He, she, they, ourselves, etc.

★Adjective :

 It is a word that is used to describe the quality of a noun. e.g.Smart, kind,

compassionate, etc.

★Verb :

 It is a word that is used to describe an action. e.g. Read, ask, write,etc.

★Adverb : 

It is a word that is used to describe the nature or quality of a verb, an adjective or

even another adverb. e.g. intelligently, calmly, rather, etc.

★Preposition :

 It is a word that is used to describe the relationship between a noun and some

other part of the sentence. e.g. In, on, at, between, among, beside, besides, etc.

★Conjunction :

 It is a word that is used to connect two or more words, phrases or sentences.

e.g. And, but, if, when, where, etc.

★Exclamation or Interjection :

 It is a word that is used to describe the intensity of one’s emotions, like joy or

sorrow. e.g. Oh, hurrah, alas!, etc.


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