Biology, asked by shuvamadhikari16, 11 months ago

What is the diagnosis for the diseases Gyro Dactylus and Argulus


Answered by Anonymous


The genus Gyrodactylus contains

many species but G. salmonis is a com-

mon parasite of salmonids in North

America. This small (0.2 mm) monoge-

nean fluke attaches to gills, fins and skin

epithelium using an attachment organ or

opisthaptor armed with a pair of large

hooks and 16 marginal hooklets. The

head of the worm is bi-lobed, lacks eye

spots and the worm produces live young.

Heavy infestations by the parasite can

result in destruction of the gills or skin

epithelium due to mechanical damage

caused by the attachment organ. The

genus Dactylogyrus is found on the gills

of mostly cyprinid fishes and is also

very small (0.3 mm). Dactylogyrus is

recognized by a four-lobed head with

four eye spots and produces eggs. The

opisthaptor consists of one conspicuous

pair of large hooks and up to 12 smaller

hooklets. When the worm is present

in large numbers, gill hyperplasia and

necrosis may result.

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