What is the difference between a whisker and a fiber?
fiber is a thread or filament from which a vegetable tissue ,minerals substance, or textile is formed....
Whisker is a long projecting hair or bristle growing from the face or snout of many mammals...
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Short needle shaped, inorganic fibers occur in nature, or can be synthesized by a variety of experimental and commercial processes. If these fibers are filamentary single crystals, they are called whiskers. If however they are polycrystalline or amorphous, they are called short fibers.
Beard and strong threads as possible reinforcing materials differ in their properties. Their applicability in fiber-reinforced composite materials depends on these properties. The brevity of the bristles, the wide spread of their strength and the high cost make their use in composite materials difficult. The cheaper geometry, relatively low cost and good processing characteristics of continuously produced filaments favor the use of almost infinite filaments as reinforcement material. The latter applies especially to the production of parts with a rotationally symmetrical shape in the "filament winding technique". However, this technique can also produce parts that are not rotationally symmetrical when used as an intermediate step in molding. This method has been used in the production of filament reinforced molded parts with plastic, light metal, heavy metal and glass matrices. Fine steel wire is preferably used as a strand reinforcing material; some others are produced by the improved Taylor method. The strength values measured on the composites are multiples of the strength of the matrix material and are consistent with theory.
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