English, asked by RoyalAnnieYT, 3 months ago

what is the difference between active and passive voice​


Answered by sirivarunn


Active voice means that a sentence has a subject that acts upon its verb. Passive voice means that a subject is a recipient of a verb’s action. You may have learned that the passive voice is weak and incorrect, but it isn’t that simple. When used correctly and in moderation, the passive voice is fine.

In English grammar, verbs have five properties: voice, mood, tense, person, and number; here, we are concerned with voice. The two grammatical voices are active and passive.


Answered by unknown3839



  1. Amit helped Ravi.
  2. Ravi was helped by Amit.

The first sentence is about Amit and says what he did.

The second sentence is about Ravi and says what happened to him.

The first sentence is said to be in the Active voice and the second in the passive voice.

When we want to talk about the person or thing that does or did the action , we use the active voice. when, we talk about the person or thing receiving the action we use the passive voice. That is to say ,the subject of the passive voice is the same as the object of the active voice




Begin the sentence with the object of an active voice sentence.

If the subject has more than one object, put the Direct object in place of Subject.

Every passive voice has the past participle form of the verb.

If the subject of the active voice is a pronoun, it should be changed into its objective form.

While changing into passive voice, pronouns are changed as follows

  • I me
  • weus
  • you you
  • he him
  • she her
  • They them


Please do refer to the attachment for more info

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