What is the difference between caste based and tribal society for the kids
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Edha Shah asked in Social Science
differences between the tribal societies and the caste based societies

Vandana answered this
8226 helpful votes in Social Science, Class IV
The following points may help you:
a. Tribes represent a section of society who do not follow the social rules and rituals of the mainstream society.
b. Many tribes obtain their livelihood from agriculture, they were hunter-gatherers or herders.
c. Their unique culture is symbolic of their distinct identity which needs to be preserved.
d.Tribal have retained the glory of their rich past and culture not in conformity with caste system.
e. The conflict was primarily as they were not part of the mainstream and wished to guard and preserve their own freedom.
f. Any attempt to interfere in their customs by settled communities was resisted resulting in conflict.
g. Many tribes also rejected the orthodoxies and rigidities of the caste system
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