what is the difference between centripetal force and centrifugal force
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A major difference between centrifugal and centripetal force is the direction of each. Centrifugal takes place along the radius of the circle from the center out towards the object. For centripetal, it is the opposite, taking place also along the radius of the circle, but from the object in towards the center.
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✭Centripital Force :
- Centripetal Force is the force which acts inwards or towards the center of the ciurved path which a particle follows.
- Isaac Newton 's description was: "A centripetal force is that by which bodies are drawn or impelled, or in any way tend, towards a point as to a centre."
- Example can be our solar system where sun's gravitational force holds earth and other planets in their orbit.This gravitational force is nothing but centripetal force.
✭Centrifugal Force :
- Centrifugal Force is the force due to inertia of the particle moving in a curved path which is exerted outwards or away from the centre of the curved path.
- It is arises from the Newton’s law of inertia i.e. everybody resists the change in its state of rest or motion.
- For example when we are moving by a car and if suddenly our car turns at some curved path we experience a force outwards or away from from our either side.
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