Biology, asked by indhshanelio, 1 year ago

What is the difference between DNA and RNA?


Answered by puja27
DNA carries the hereditary character of one generation to the next while RNA synthesis proteins.
Answered by OoINTROVERToO


\boxed{\begin{array}{ c|c}            \tt \tiny{ DNA  \: stands \:  for \:  deoxyribonucleic \:  acid.} & \tt \tiny{ RNA\ stands \:  for \:  ribonucleic  \: acid.  }          \\\\             \tt \tiny{   DNA  \: is  \: mostly  \: found  \: in  \: nucleus \:  and \:  nucleoid. }& \tt \tiny{ RNA \:  is  \: mostly \:  found \:  in  \: the \:  cytoplasm.  }              \\\\            \tt \tiny{  Deoxyribose  \: is \:  the \:  sugar  \: where  \: the \:  bases  \: are  \: A, T, C \:  and  \: G. }& \tt \tiny{ Ribose \:  is \:  the  \: sugar  \: where  \: the \:  bases \:  are \:  A, U, C  \: and \:  G. }         \\\\         \tt \tiny{   DNA \:  is \:  a  \: long  \: polymer. }  &  \tt \tiny{   RNA \:  is  \: shorter \:  than  \: DNA. }           \\\\          \tt \tiny{  DNA \:  is \:  double-stranded \:  and  \: it  \: exhibits  \: a \:  double-helix  \: structure.} & \tt \tiny{ RNA  \: is \:  usually \:  single-strand,  \: sometimes  \: it  \: forms \:  secondary  \: and  \: tertiary  \: structures.}         \\\\          \tt \tiny{  DNA  \: carries \:  the  \: genetic  \: information \:  necessary} \\  \tt \tiny{ \:  for \:  the  \: development, functioning, and  \: reproduction.}& \tt \tiny{ RNA \:  is  \: mainly  \: involved  \: in \:  protein  \: synthesis, } \\  &  \tt \tiny{sometimes \:  it \:  regulates \:  the  \: gene  \: expression. }           \\\\             \tt \tiny{ DNA\ is\ stable\ in\ alkaline\ conditions.   }  &   \tt \tiny{  RNA \:  is \:  not  \: stable \:  in \:  alkaline \:  conditions \:  compared \:  to \:  DNA.}  \\  \\   \tt \: \tiny {The\ small \ size\ of\ the\ grooves } \\   \tt\tiny{reduces\ the\ action\ of\ DNase\ enzymes.}    &  \tt \tiny{ RNA \:  exhibits \ much \ larger \ grooves  \ compared  \: to \:  DNA  \: }   \\  &  \tt \tiny{and  \: it \:  is \:  more \:  prone  \: to  \: degrade \:  with  \: RNases.      }      \end{array}}

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