what is the difference between holozoic nutrition ,saprophytic nutrition and parasitic nutrition
Holozoic nutrition - it is that nutrition in which an organism takes the complex organic food materials by the process of ingestion.
Parasitic nutrition - it is that nutrition in which an organisms derive its food from the body of another living organisms without killing it.
Saprophytic nutrition - it is that nutrition in which an organism obtain its food from decaying a organic matter of dead plants, dead animals, etc.
Hope it helps u
The differences between the given nutrition type are -
(i) Holozoic nutrition
It is the nutrition which is obtained by living organisms by the digestion that occurs inside the organisms' body.
Example : Human beings.
(ii) Saprophytic nutrition
It is that nutrition which is obtained by the living forms from the organisms that are dead and decayed.
Example : Fungi.
(iii) Parasitic nutrition
This is the nutrition in which food is obtained by the organisms from other living ones.
Example : Leech.