Biology, asked by lavanyathunga77, 1 year ago

what is the difference between homoxylous and heteroxylous trees? ​


Answered by HimanshuSomvanshi



In the heteroxylous wood of certain trees, the diameters of the tracheas of the earlywood do not differ remarkably from those of the latewood, so no obvious dissimilarity occurs between the two stripes. These are the diffuse-porous woods (e.g. Tilia). In ring-porous woods (e.g. Fraxinus) tracheas produced in spring has a wider lumen and thinner walls due to the intense water uptake. In summer, the intensity of water uptake decreases, so tracheas of smaller lumen and thicker cell wall are cut off. Thus, large tracheas (‘pores’) of the earlywood are visible in concentric rings on the cross section; that is why this wood type is termed ‘ring-porous

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