What is the difference between John Brown and Gift of India?
The poem reflects the sacrifices of Indian soldiers for the agitation of France. It tells that the Indian soldiers' sacrificed themselves for someones else country. Rather than that, they were not rewarded as they meant to be. John Brown caused the Civil War by leading a raid and ignited a nationwide uprising.
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The central idea of Bob Dylan's song "John Brown" is that war is ultimately pointless. As it was written in honour of Indian warriors who gave their lives in service to their nation, Gift of India is an elegy.
Difference between John Brown and Gift of India:
- The mother of John in "John Brown" was pleased that her son had entered battle. She takes pride in it. In contrast, Mother India bemoans the sacrifices and deaths of her sons on the battlefield in "The Gift of India."
- The main character of "John Brown," John Brown, into battle to save his nation. The Indian warriors in "The Gift of India," however, had to battle for their masters in a foreign country. Their passing and contributions go unrecognised.
- The sorrow of a person by the name of John Brown is highlighted in the poetry "John Brown." However, the poet addresses the agony, suffering, and contribution of thousands of warriors in the poem "The Gift of India." The unidentified troops struggle for their masters and perish unseen in a strange country.
Thus, the poem Gift of India's thesis states that many valiant Indian soldiers gave their life in the past for the benefit of their nation.
To know on the contrast between john brown and the gift of India, click on the below link
To know on the comparative study between john brown and the gift of India, click on the below link