What is the difference between karan karak and apadan karak
अपादान मे जो 'से' प्रयोग होता है - वह केवल तब प्रयोग होता है जब कोई एक चीज़ किसी दूसरी चीज़ से अलग हो रही हो - जैसे भालू पेड़ से उतरता है - यानी वो पेड़ से अलग हो रहा है या फिर बच्चा बस्तर से गिर गया - यानि वो बिस्तर से अलग हो गया
apadan tatpurush is used to define separation between two things whereas Karan tatpurush defines the connection between two
this would be more clear now, well actually in both apadan and karan when we do samas vigrah we use this word "se" well this "se" has different meanings in both the contexts
For example : tulsikrit
if we try doing samas vigrah for this it'd be : Tulsi se krit...... if you try replacing the "se" in here with "ke dwara" you'll get the meaning clearly
in this context "se" is actually "ke dwara" and this trick will be valid for every example of karan tatpurush, try replacing "se" with ke dwara you'll get it ;-).......so this is karan tatpurush
Now moving on to apadan tatpurush, in this "se" actually defines separation between pehla padd of the samast padd and the doosra padd
for example : Rogmukt
for this the Samas vigrah would be "Rog se mukt" ......in this context "se" has a completely different meaning than the one it had in karan tatpurush...... here if you try putting "ke dwara" in place of "se", as I told to do in case of Karen tatpurush, it won't fit in here as "rog KE DWARA mukt" makes no sense!
try using this trick of replacing "se" with "ke dwara" if it makes sense then it is Karan tatpurush if not then it is apadan tatpurush.......try doing this to some examples known to you
Hope it helps !!!
if not ask me again ^_^