History, asked by slope008, 2 days ago

what is the difference between misdemeanor and felonies​


Answered by sunilasha55

Crimes classified as felonies are considered to be more serious, carry a more severe penalty, and involve a more complex court procedure. Although misdemeanors are considered less serious than felonies, a person convicted of a misdemeanor often risks the possibility of being fined and sometimes going to jail.

Answered by mohitpandey9088


A misdemeanor is a less serious crime than a felony. Felonies are the most serious crimes you can commit and have long jail or prison sentences, fines, or permanent loss of freedoms. Misdemeanors usually involve jail time, smaller fines, and temporary punishments. For example, you can be slightly over the limit during a DUI stop and get a misdemeanor, but if you have children in the car or are severely over the blood alcohol limit you can face a felony charge.

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