What is the difference between Mortal and Human? Easy question right?
Human (adjective)
Of or belonging to the species Homo sapiens or its closest relatives.
Human (adjective)
Having the nature or attributes of a human being.
"To err is human; to forgive, divine."
Human (noun)
A human being, whether man, woman or child.
"Humans share common ancestors with other apes."
"human being|man|→ Thes:person"
Human (verb)
To behave as or become, or to cause to behave as or become, a human.
Mortal (adjective)
Susceptible to death by aging, sickness, injury, or wound; not immortal. from 14th c.
Mortal (adjective)
Causing death; deadly, fatal, killing, lethal (now only of wounds, injuries etc.). from 14th c.
Mortal (adjective)
Fatally vulnerable.
Mortal (adjective)
Of or relating to the time of death.
hope you appreciate this ans
As nouns the difference between human and mortal
is that human is a human being, whether man, woman or child while mortal is a human; someone susceptible to death.