Social Sciences, asked by ishuraj25122005, 7 months ago

what is the difference between nationalism and patriotism?​


Answered by noufilasherin


patriotism is of its nature defensive,both militarily and culturally. Nationalism,on the other hand,is insperable from the desire of power.

Answered by prabirkumarmondal2



Nationalism is an ideology based on the premise that an individual's loyalty and devotion to one's country should come above the interests and opinions of other citizens or the interests of a certain group of citizens.

The pride of nationalism, however, trumpets its country's virtues and denies its deficiencies. Nationalism is contemptuous toward the virtues of other countries. It wants to be and proclaims itself to be "the greatest". Question to be asked here is - should such self-proclaimed greatness be above rational thinking and goodness?


Patriotism is an attachment to a homeland. The love and adoration for the place where an individual is born, brought up, and the nation that place belongs to. These attachments can be related to ethnic, cultural, political or historical. Patriotism is also being proud of a country's virtues but with an eagerness and readiness to correct its deficiencies to be better. Patriotisn acknowledges the patriotism of citizens of other countries and respects their virtues.

It encompasses a set of concepts closely related to those of nationalism.



An excess of patriotism in the defense of a nation is called chauvinism or jingoism.

The difference between patriotism and nationalism is simple - a patriot loves his country and is proud of it for what it does whereas a nationalist loves his country and is proud of his country NO MATTER WHAT IT DOES.

Quite clearly, patriotism nurtures a feeling of 'responsibility' in the citizens while nationalism breeds 'blind arrogance' or ignorace and often, that leads to a war.

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