what is the difference between pepsin and trypsin
Both pepsin and trypsin are proteases, which means that they are both enzymes that break down other proteins, and both are major digestive enzymes. However, there are two main differences between them.
First of all, the place where they are produced. Pepsin is secreted by the stomach, and trypsin by the pancreas (actually, those organs secrete inactive forms of the enzymes, known as zymogens).
The other key difference relates to where in the substrate protein the peptide bond will be hydrolized. Pepsin breaks bonds between large hydrophobic aminoacid residues (preferably aromatic aminoacids), while Trypsin does so ob the C-terminal side of lysine or arginine.
pepsin is secreated by gastric glands in stomach and works only in acidic medium
trysin is secreated by pancreas in small intestine and works only in alkaline medium