what is the difference between persistance and doing the samething again and again
Insanity is what most of us engaged in. That is, finding one way that works or doesn’t work, then repeating that endlessly. Most of us would say that the way that works isn’t insane, because it works, but frequently, the way that they’ve chosen is flawed and they know it. Knowing that something works but has problems, especially serious problems, and doing it over and over again anyway is insanity. As an example, a person who constantly chooses poisonous partners, breaks up with them, and then chooses a new partner who is just as poisonous. Doing the same thing over and over again because it works even though it makes us unhappy is called a normal life, and yet this practice is essentially insane.
Persistence comes when you try every possibility. Don’t stop at your first failure or your first success. Keep trying different methods until you have either tried them all or feel you have a sufficient sample size (the larger, the better). Then take the best results, practice them and try to improve them. When you have found the path that makes you happiest and is the best of all the possible results, you have succeeded. You can move onto the next thing and try to find the best way of doing it as well.
Insanity is routine. Insanity is finding something that makes us unhappy and continuing to do it without change. Repeating those steps exactly while wanting change. Expecting change even though no change has been made in the steps that led to that outcome.
It’s easier to be insane than it is to be persistent. But being persistent is more rewarding.