what is the difference between plantation and commercial farming
I need a good Def for both!!!!
1) commercial :- the produce of this tupe farming is generally sold in the market.
plantation :- the produced crop is used for crop based industries.
2) commercial:- generally one or may be more type of crop is grown on a piece of land.
plantation :- farming is done on a large piece of land and generally one type of crop is cultivated.
3).commercial :- example- rice cultivation in haryana and punjab
plantation :- tea ,coffee and( banana in kerala)
good morning dear.
Commercial farming:
The main characteristic of this type of farming is the use of higher doses of,modern inputs like HYV seeds,fertilisers and other chemicals to obtain higher productivity from a land.
ex- rice is a commercial crop in haryana and punjab.
Plantation farming:
It is also a type of commercial farming .In this a single crop,is grown on a large area. The plantation covers large tracts of land using capital,and migrant labours. All the produce is used as raw material..
ex- tea. coffee are important plantation crop