what is the difference between resistance and resistivity
resistance is actually opposition offered to the flow of current and it is inversly propotional to capacitance
R = 1\C
and resistivity is specific resistance that is resistance of a conductor having unit length and unit cross sectional area
R = (row) L\A
Resistance is the obstruction offered to the flow of current by a conductor.
Resistivity is the obstruction offered to the flow of current by UNIT AREA OF the conductor.
So basically, resistance is the property of the object (say a copper wire), whereas resistivity is the property of the substance (copper).
And so resistance depends upon the properties of the object.
Whereas resistivity depends upon the properties of the metal.
So for example take two objects A and B made of aluminium. Both are of a different size.
The resistance of A & B will be different.
But the resistivity will be the same