What is the difference between syngamy and gametangial copulation
Gametangial contact and gametangial copulation are both different forms of sexual reproduction amongst organisms.
In gametangial contact, only the male nuclei enter the female gametangium, through the development of a pore and a tube while in gametangial copulation, the entire protoplasm of the male gametangium enters the female gametangium.
Gametangial contact can be seen in oomycetes and ascomycetes while gametangial copulation occurs in organisms like trichomycetes and zygomycetes.
Singamy means Union of the male and female pro nuclei a step that happens after fertilization
Fertilization means penetration of the sperm head into the Donna pellucid a of the egg and discharge of sperm pro nucleus into the egg
syngamy fusion of polar nuclei take place.in fertilisation fusion of male and female gamete take place.if both take place then it is called double fertilisation. u can ask more ques. and strategy my fb I'd nasiriqbal.123
basic ans is syngamy is a fusion of male and female gamets but fertilisation is the whole process ...
Synogamy and fertilisation are synogams just the difference between them is that synogamy is the process of fusion of two gamets to form zygote while fertilisation refers to the act of process of rendering fertile.