English, asked by madhusree3512, 9 months ago

What is the difference between the and satellite system of ancient and modern India


Answered by sony51182


It’s been 60 years since the Soviet Union fired the first salvo of the space age. On October 4 1957 it launched Sputnik, the world’s first satellite, as its contribution to International Geophysical Year.

It was the first of a series of superpower spectaculars, each bringing soft power – the term political scientists use to describe states doing something benign which boosts their prestige. The USSR followed Sputnik’s launch by sending Yuri Gagarin, the world’s first cosmonaut, into space on 12 April 1961. He was followed by Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman to orbit the Earth, on 16 June 1963. The US landed 12 Americans on the moon between 1969 and 1972.

A great deal has changed in the past 60 years. Sputnik weighed 83kgs. The International Space Station weighs 419 tons, carrying a crew of six astronauts, performing a variety of experiments in microgravity. Many countries have their own space policies and space science has developed all over the world including in Africa.

Our fascination with space – whether it focuses on colonising distant planets, using satellites for profit or educational purposes, or unpacking complex weather patterns – shows no signs of slowing down.

Many uses for satellites

Today satellite applications are woven into the fabric of everyday life.

Soon after Sputnik’s launch, the military realised that spacecraft would be great for reconnaissance – spysats. These are now commonplace.

Satellites have offered great benefits for ordinary people, too. Civilians now depend on spacecraft to get weather forecasts.

Satellites have also changed how we see the world around us, quite literally. The corporate world entered space when Syncom 3 caused a sensation with its live broadcasts of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. Before that, your grandparents waited three weeks for newsreels to be flown to Hollywood to have the film developed, duplicated, then flown to cinemas around the world.

Digital processing of images and other data now constitute the most lucrative ground segment of the space industry; that is, jobs on the ground, not in orbit. The information from this processing also helps with disaster recovery: authorities can ascertain the extent of hurricane, flood or fire damage; they can also see where roads are blocked by mudslides.

Satellite farming is another valuable tool. It comprises satellites which send SMSes to subscribers alerting them to which orchards are too dry and any that are too wet, so they may adjust their irrigation. And satellites allow us to peer back into the distant past. Archaeologists have used satellite imagery to locate ancient towns buried beneath sand dunes and tropical forests.

Developing countries

Some developing countries have also harnessed the power of satellites. India led the way in demonstrating a space programme relevant to developing countries. Its EDUSAT broadcasts televised maths lessons to more than 11 000 rural schools and colleges across the country. Under-qualified teachers are able to learn alongside their schoolchildren.

It would be good for South Africa – and other African countries with poor science and maths results – to put its most charismatic teachers in those subjects in front of TV cameras, and stream them into classrooms across a country.

African countries could adopt another Indian satellite initiative, telemedicine. Using video conferencing, a nurse examines a patient under a specialist’s guidance, enabling her to diagnose, and prescribe medicine.

South Africa was an early adopter of satellite vehicle tracking, to combat hijacking. Today two pan African television companies, DSTV and Multichoice, are big business. The South African space industry employs several hundred people. Most manufacture satellite components for export from the Western Cape towns of Somerset West and Stellenbosch.

Others staff the huge Hartebeespoort ground station, downloading and uploading; under contract to foreign space agencies and aerospace corporations. This falls under the South African National Space Agency.

Another space agency facility is the Space Weather Centre in Hermanus, in the Western Cape province. Its scientists monitor changes in the Earth’s magnetic field caused by solar flares and solar storms. Violent fluctuations can blow up transformers in sub-stations, and damage power utility Eskom’s grid.

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