Biology, asked by reborngill, 1 year ago

what is the difference between the exine and intine?


Answered by Areena13
pollen grain or microspore is made up of two layer known as exine and intine the outter lauer of exine is made up of soropollenine (most hardest and resistant material known till know) and further diffrentiated into outer ektexine and in inner endexine Inner layer INTINE is made up of pecto-cellulose.

Areena13: thank i
Areena13: thank u
Areena13: congrats zeeshanfazil00p24dzl you are on brainlist
Areena13: great
reborngill: hlo
Answered by Anonymous


Exine :–

Pollen grains are generally spherical measuring about 25 - 50 micrometers in diameter. it has prominent layer wall. The hard outer layer is called as exine.

Intine :–

The inner wall of the pollen grain is called the intine.

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