what is the difference between the first reading and the second reading of a bill
First Reading is the formal introduction of a Bill to the House of Commons or the House of Lords. The Bill is not debated at this stage, but a date for its Second Reading in that House is set, a bill number is allocated and an order is made for it to be printed.
The Second Reading is normally the first opportunity for a Bill to be debated in either House and is the stage where the overall principles of the Bill are considered. If the Bill passes Second Reading it moves on to the Committee Stage.
The second reading stage of the legislative process gives members an opportunity to debate the general scope of the bill. The debate at this stage must focus on the principle of the bill and, accordingly, the text of the bill may not be amended during debate at this stage.
A first reading is when a bill is introduced to a legislature. Typically, in the United States, the title of the bill is read and the bill is immediately assigned to a committee. ... In the United States Senate and most British-influenced legislatures, the committee consideration occurs between second and third readings.
the first submitting of a bill before a quorum of a legislative assembly usually by title or number only.