what is the difference between the following statements is a= 10 and a == 10
a=10' is used to assign the value of 10 in 'a' variable whereas 'a==10' compare the value of 'a' variable with 10. Explanation: In "a=10", a is a variable that is initialized by 10 value because in any programming language "=" stands for assignment operator which is used to assign the value for any variable.
"=" is an assigning operator. You can assign a value to a variable using "=" operator.
Example in Python:
a = 10
Print(a) // 10 will be printed
"==" is an equality operator. It returns the boolean value to a particular condition.
Suppose you have declared the value for a = 10, then you can use a== 10 to check whether it is true or false.
As it is true, It will return "True". But if a==12, then it will return "False".
Example in Python:
a = 10
// We assigned the value for a = 10. We can now edit the value, add the new value or delete the value.
a == 10 // True
a == 14 // False
- The most last value assigned to a variable is considered only.
- We can add new value to variable using shortcut +=
- To subtract: -= To Multiply: *= and To divide /=
- To assign a string to an integer, we must first convert the string into an integer using "int".
- Vice versa with integers and string.
- We can later change the name of variable by simply declaring another variable=first declared variable. (eg: a=b).