Science, asked by kumargirish9907, 6 months ago

What is the difference between tra
प्रकाश-संश्लेषण में रन्ध्रों का क्या कार्य है
What is the function of stomatai​


Answered by ronak7165

Explanation:What is the function of stomata ?

answer - Stomata have two main functions, namely they allow for gas exchange acting as an entryway for carbon dioxide (CO2) and releasing the Oxygen (O2) that we breath. The other main function is regulating water movement through transpiration.

Functions of Stomata

Helps in the exchange of gases by opening and closing the pores in the leaves. It helps to expel the excess water out from the leaves in the form of water vapour.

the use of stomata

In C3 and C4 plants, stomata open during the day as the guard cells that form these pores accumulate solutes and consequently expand as they take up water by osmosis (Lawson, 2009). Stomatal conductance mediates the exchanges of water vapor and carbon dioxide between leaves and the atmosphere.

A stoma is a minute epidermal opening with following characteristics:  A central  Two kidney shaped similar cells containing chloroplasts known as Guard cells and varying number of subsidiary (epidermal) cells covering the guard cells.

stomata located

Stomate, also called stoma, plural stomata or stomas, any of the microscopic openings or pores in the epidermis of leaves and young stems. Stomata are generally more numerous on the underside of leaves.

Why stomata open at night?

Stomata are mouth-like cellular complexes at the epidermis that regulate gas transfer between plants and atmosphere. In leaves, they typically open during the day to favor CO2 diffusion when light is available for photosynthesis, and close at night to limit transpiration and save water.

examples of stomata

Stomata are very small openings in membranes, particularly in plants, through which water and gas pass. An example of stomata are microscopic pores in leaves where plants release gases.

four categories

Lumnitzera, Laguncularia etc. Stebbins and Khush (1961) recognized four categories of stomatal complex in monocotyledons. The basis of classification is the presence or absence of subsidiary cells and when present the number, shape and arrangement in relation to guard cells form the basis.

the other name of stomata

In botany, a stoma (plural "stomata"), also called a stomate (plural "stomates") is a pore, found in the epidermis of leaves, stems, and other organs, that facilitates gas exchange.

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