What is the difference in summer and winter management of Poultry?
The difference in summer and winter management of Poultry are as follows :
In SUMMER SEASON birds face difficulty because they do not have sweat glands.
In summer season ,to reduce summer heat plant grass and shady trees e.g mulberry around sheds. In hot and dry summer season sprinklers can be used on the roof of the shed to reduce shed temperature by 5-6 °C. Side walls of the shed should not be more than 1.5 feet high. In the rest of the wall put wire mesh net.In feed increase quantity of protein, minerals and vitamins by 20-30%. Change the water more frequently in summer season.
In WINTER SEASON, birds can bear winter easily because they have enough feathers. But sometimes temperature goes down to zero which causes problems for birds. If temperature is not maintained in the shed, then one bird can consume 3-5 kg more feed. On side windows of the shed put curtains to prevent from cold wind . Stir the litter twice a week.
DURING WINTER Pashu Sandesh Low temperature causes more feed intake and higher oxygen demand. Therefore, when the weather gets colder, it is essential to give the chicken plenty of food as they require extra energy for maintaining body temperature. In winter number of feeders should be increased as compared to summer.