Science, asked by udayan1234, 1 year ago

what is the different technical & non technical question ??


Answered by dimpy215

The following non-technical Q&As will help you in your interviews.

Interviewers primarily evaluate the following:

1. Does this candidate have the knowledge and experience required for producing results as per the job requirement? (This is the reason why they probe into the projects completed by you.)

2. Can this candidate consistently produce the expected results if selected? (This is the reason why many organizations say they want consistent 60+ in at least 6 or 7 out of 8 semesters.)

3. Is this candidate the best fit out of the candidates shortlisted for the position?

4. Will this candidate gel well with the team and the organization after he/she joins? (They also try to gauge if you are a loner / solo performer or a team player.)

5. Does this candidate possess the type of communication & leadership skillsrequired for the job to be done? (This can be gauged through group discussions as well as interviews.)

6. Does this candidate have a potential for further growth in our organization or will he/she not be able to grow in our organization because of his/her limited capabilities/potential?


You should go well prepared for any interview if you want to get selected.

Many good candidates are rejected because they don’t handle interviewers & their questions well. Sometimes they blurt out something they should not say.

There are some Dos & Don’ts to follow when you appear for an interview. The same are listed below. Also, some frequently asked questions with suggested answers are stated below.

1. Don't try to do anything unusual to impress the interviewers. (If you try to do something unusual, then it may look a bit odd and may work against you.)

2. As the first impression definitely counts, dress well for all your interviews. Don't take dressing casually for any of the interviews. Not even for the 2nd,3rd or ... th interview in a company.

3. Recommended dress code: Well ironed full sleeve shirt (preferably plain white or light), dark trousers, shoes. Short, trimmed hair. For women, any conservative formal dress like Punjabi Dress is okay. (Dress for the job for which you are going to be interviewed. If you are a software engineer and you are going for a marketing job, then dress like a marketing person.)

4. Give respect & importance to all panel members even if some of them are silent. Remember that all panel members give their rating. Sometimes, the most silent or unimpressive person in a panel is the most important person. Only those people are selected who are liked by the panel members. (Remember, out of many technically equal candidates, only those who are liked by panel members are selected.)

>> You should show your ‘I can do it’ / ‘I will do it’ attitude throughout your interview. You should not say things like ‘I am not sure’/ ‘I will try’ as these indicate that you are not likely to take responsibility for your on-the-job performance. If you indicate that you are not sure and you are not confident about producing results, then why should an interviewer select you?

5. PREPARE YOUR ANSWERS IN ADVANCE to these typical questions:

a. 'Tell us something about yourself':

Tell only positive things about yourself in 10-20 sentences. Your education, experience, something that you are good at... Make sure that whatever you say highlights those skills which are required for the job for which you are being interviewed. Rehearse 5-10 times at home.

b. 'Tell us about key projects that you have executed':

Make sure that you can explain 4-5 good projects well, including (1) What the project was about,(2) Application (like Inventory control, Financial accounting, Device driver…),(3) Client name, (4) Industry, (5) Technology, (6) Team size, (7) Your role,(8) YOUR contribution, (9) Challenges, (10) Highlights...(THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART in any interview. So, prepare yourself well for this part.) Rehearse 5-10 times at home.

udayan1234: interview ????
dimpy215: i think u want this question sry i dont understand this question
udayan1234: what is technical & non technical question .
Answered by augustinroshan2002

Technical does mean something which needs technics to be implemented in the process. Non Technical does deal with things does not actually talk concepts or technics.

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