what is the different types of environmental pollution?
There are different types of pollution: water pollution, air pollution, solid waste pollution and noise pollution. All of these can be found in urban areas. The main sources of pollution are household activities, factories, agriculture and transport.
Here is your answer
okay, there many types of pollution but there are pollution such as chemical pollution not the ones which are spread by industries but the ones which are by biohazard viruses how? let me explain some viruses
go into a liquid if they see an living thing they go into them and kill them but thier blood which they excreted
contaminates the water as well as the viruses go with the blood then they kill another living thing and thier blood gets mixed with the other blood this forms a type of chemical which harmful. another environmental pollution is air pollution which can be spread by fires how? let me explain air pollution can be even accidental such as when lighting falls in an area which covered with dry leaves it will cause a fire or if an rock hits or collides with another rock it will cause fire.
and then another type of pollution noise pollution which can be spread by animals such lions when they
roar or elephants, etc although this can't be called noise pollution (pure) but it can spread type of noise pollution (even thunder can produce noise pollution)
these are the *Environmental* causes of pollution.(or the ones I know)