Biology, asked by n1isaiAksAishru, 1 year ago

what is the differents between dna and rna


Answered by sweety105
Difference between DNA and RNA.


It usually occurs inside nucleus and some cell organelles.

Very little RNA occurs inside the nucleus. Most of it is found in the cytoplasm.


It is double stranded with exception of some viruses.

It is single stranded with exception of some viruses.

DNA contains over a million nucleotides

Depending on the type, RNA contains 70-12,000 nucleotides.


The sugar portion of DNA is 2-deoxyribose

The sugar portion of RNA a is ribose


Purine and Pyrimidine bases are in equal in number.

There is no proportionality in between numbers of Purine and Pyrimidine bases.


The base present in DNA are adenine (A), guanine (G),thymine (T) and cytosine (C)

The base present in RNA are adenine (A), guanine (G) ,uracil (U) and cytosine (C)


It replicates to form new DNA molecules

It cannot normally replicate itself.


The function of DNA is to transfer genetic information from one generation to the next.

The function of RNA is to direct synthesis of proteins in the body.


DNA transcribes genetic information to RNA.

Its quantity is fixed for cell.

RNA translates the transcribed message for forming polypeptides.

 The quantity of RNA of a cell is variable .


DNA is only two types: intra nuclear and extra nuclear.

Three different types of RNA: m-RNA, t-RNA and r-RNA.


It is long lived

Some RNAs are very short lived while others have somewhat longer life.

If you like plz mark as brainliest ans.
Answered by OoINTROVERToO


\boxed{\begin{array}{ c|c}            \tt \tiny{ DNA  \: stands \:  for \:  deoxyribonucleic \:  acid.} & \tt \tiny{ RNA\ stands \:  for \:  ribonucleic  \: acid.  }          \\\\             \tt \tiny{   DNA  \: is  \: mostly  \: found  \: in  \: nucleus \:  and \:  nucleoid. }& \tt \tiny{ RNA \:  is  \: mostly \:  found \:  in  \: the \:  cytoplasm.  }              \\\\            \tt \tiny{  Deoxyribose  \: is \:  the \:  sugar  \: where  \: the \:  bases  \: are  \: A, T, C \:  and  \: G. }& \tt \tiny{ Ribose \:  is \:  the  \: sugar  \: where  \: the \:  bases \:  are \:  A, U, C  \: and \:  G. }         \\\\         \tt \tiny{   DNA \:  is \:  a  \: long  \: polymer. }  &  \tt \tiny{   RNA \:  is  \: shorter \:  than  \: DNA. }           \\\\          \tt \tiny{  DNA \:  is \:  double-stranded \:  and  \: it  \: exhibits  \: a \:  double-helix  \: structure.} & \tt \tiny{ RNA  \: is \:  usually \:  single-strand,  \: sometimes  \: it  \: forms \:  secondary  \: and  \: tertiary  \: structures.}               \\\\                 \tt \tiny{  DNA  \: carries \:  the  \: genetic  \: information \:  necessary} \\  \tt \tiny{ \:  for \:  the  \: development, functioning, and  \: reproduction.}& \tt \tiny{ RNA \:  is  \: mainly  \: involved  \: in \:  protein  \: synthesis, } \\  &  \tt \tiny{sometimes \:  it \:  regulates \:  the  \: gene  \: expression. }           \\\\             \tt \tiny{ DNA\ is\ stable\ in\ alkaline\ conditions.   }  &   \tt \tiny{  RNA \:  is \:  not  \: stable \:  in \:  alkaline \:  conditions \:  compared \:  to \:  DNA.}  \\  \\   \tt \: \tiny {The\ small \ size\ of\ the\ grooves } \\   \tt\tiny{reduces\ the\ action\ of\ DNase\ enzymes.}    &  \tt \tiny{ RNA \:  exhibits \ much \ larger \ grooves  \ compared  \: to \:  DNA  \: }   \\  &  \tt \tiny{and  \: it \:  is \:  more \:  prone  \: to  \: degrade \:  with  \: RNases.      }      \end{array}}

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