Physics, asked by lucky2314A, 7 months ago

what is the direction of the rectoring force in a spring balance? Justifly​


Answered by sammane2514


There is no restoring force. hence no direction. when two equal masses are on both sides.


If you mean restoring force....

We know F = -kx

when similar mases are added on both sides one (known) and other (to be found)...there is no net displacement in spring and hence No tension in the string!

But if unbalanced force are acting.....where one side mass is greater than other one than..... Restoring Force due to two masses will be acting in horizontal direction towards center of Spring. Resultant Restoring force will be based on Magnitude.

If left has low mas than right.

that resultant restoring force will be in left direction.

Answered by thrups119944


Spring Force:

If one end of a spring is kept fixed and its other end which is directly proportional to its displacement and is exerted in a direction opposite to the direction of displacement.

This is called Spring/Restoring Force.In physics, the restoring force is a force which acts to bring a body to its equilibrium position. The restoring force is a function only of position of the mass or particle, and it is always directed back toward the equilibrium position of the system.

The force you exert on the spring is in the same direction as your displacement. You have done positive work on the spring. The force that the spring exerts on you is in the opposite direction to its displacement so the spring has done negative work

Hope it helps you Lucky♡♡

I'm a great fan of NTR too

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