What is the distance between major and minorgroove of dna?
hello mate.
In the left frame is a short stretch of a single strand of DNA. DNA is a polymer of linked deoxyribonucleotides. Here the atoms are colored according to the standard CPK coloring scheme (C, N, O, P). For simplicity, hydrogen atoms are not shown.
In the tetrameric example shown, each of the four deoxyribonucleotide building blocks (dA, dT, dC, dG) is represented.
As shown here for dC, each deoxyribonucleotide in the chain comprises a nitrogenous base, a deoxyribose sugar, and a phosphate group (phosphorus plus oxygens). The carbons of the sugar are numbered 1'-5' as indicated.
The nitrogenous base is linked to the sugar by a glycosidic bond between a nitrogen and the 1' carbon of the deoxyribose sugar.
The 5' carbon of each sugar is linked to a phosphorus through an oxygen (ester bond). The phosphorus is in turn linked to the 3' oxygen of the next nucleotide in the chain.
The connection between nucleotides in a DNA strand is thus referred to as a phosphodiester linkage.
The molecule can be viewed as a series of nitrogenous bases (CPK coloration) connected through a sugar-phosphate backbone.