harmonic oscillator is a system that, when displaced from its equilibrium position, experiences a restoring force F proportional to the displacement x: {\displaystyle {\vec {F}}=-k{\vec {x}}, } where k is a positive constant.
Reply to your previous question.
Your ques-tion didn't make sen-se to me.
What would happen if India-n girls beh-aved like America-n girls?
I'm guessing you already had an answer in your he-ad before you posted it. I'm right, ain't it?
I agree we still have a long way to go but we cannot be in de-n-ial here. We have seen and are expe-riencing a gener-ation, unlike any other, where young Indi-an wom-en are exce-lling and ventur-ing out in new f-ie-lds. Likewise, the Am-erican gir-ls are no le-s-s. They're doing eq-ually well too.
To assume is one thing but the motive with which the questioner has asked is quite another thing. And i don't get good vibes here.
So to me, your ques-tion is base-less and i should probably st-op here.
Peac-e out!