what is the effect of population growth on urbanisation
Earth will be home to 9.7 billion people in 2050,1 a jump of 2.8 billion over four decades. This global milestone will have a pronounced urban penchant. Two-thirds of the world’s population will reside in “mega cities,” urban centers with over 10 million inhabitants. These sprawling metropolitan areas will be features in the emerging economies of Asia, Latin America and Africa, with China, India and Nigeria projected to have the highest rates of growth. By 2045, the world’s urban population is predicted to exceed 6 billion.2 An estimated 70% of the global population will live in cities, demanding 80% of total energy by 2030.3
Rapid population growth and urbanization will have a dramatic effect on the increased demand for jobs, housing, energy, clean water, food, transportation infrastructure, and social services. It will also be a significant factor in magnifying the impacts of global warming, according to the Sierra Club of the United Nations Population Fund.4
Sustainable Solutions Needed
Sustainable growth of “mega cities” is crucial to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Consider that the 20 largest cities consume 80% of the world’s energy. Urban areas generate 80% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. According to The Global Footprint Network, we are currently growing at a rate that is using up the earth’s resources far faster than they can be sustainably replenished. Right now, global growth is using about 1.6 earths. This projection underscores the necessity for new approaches and innovative technologies that dramatically reduce or even reverse the effects of CO2 emissions to mitigate the upward trajectory of population growth.