Physics, asked by ArslanxD6476, 1 year ago

What is the emissive power?


Answered by drtilakrahangdale

Emissive power is the energy of thermal radiation emitted in all directions per unit timeper unit area of a surface at any given temperature.

Answered by Anonymous


(1) Emissive power or radiant power of a body (symn-

bol, R): The emissive power or radiant power of a

body at a given temperature is defined as the

quantity of radiant energy emitted by the body per

unit time per unit surlace area of the body at that


(2) Coefficient of emission (or emissivity) of a body

(symbol, e): The coefficient of emission (or

emissivity) of a body is defined as the ratio of the

emissive power of the body (R) to the emissive

power of a perfect blackbody (R,) at the same

temperature as that of the body.

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