Math, asked by dakshisj5377, 1 year ago

what is the examples for infinite set


Answered by pratyasha91
What are some real world examples of infinite sets?
There is spontaneous matter creation within vacuum. This means that at all times and at all places there is a positive possibility for a matter/antimatter pair to come to exist where there wasn’t any before. Even though in most cases the particles annihilate very quickly, in some cases, such as close to a black hole’s event horizon, the particles will not annihilate. In the current model of the universe, there is an infinity of these possible events. Fortunately, they add up to a finite amount of matter (and antimatter) being created.

In quantum mechanics, the reaction between elementary particles consists of the sum over an infinity of possibilities (Feynman diagrams). To calculate certain constants, it turns out that each of the infinite possibilities contributes to these constants. Another way of saying this is that all these infinite number of possibilities actually happen, otherwise the constant wouldn’t be what it is. (An example of such a constant is the ).

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Infinity occurs in the real world as the possibility to continue forever, that is, potential infinity. Of course, in that sense we have the natural numbers, which are potentially infinite because we can go on forever counting; also the continuum is a potential infinity occurring in real life, as we can go on forever dividing.

Seeing the continuum as a "set of points", though, is an artificial construct, which simplifies understanding the continuum a lot, but does not qualify as "occurring in real life". Points just do not occur in real life, only imprecise measurements, fuzzy blobs.
The set of real numbers first comes to my mind when I think of infinite set but then numbers aren't really actual real world ‘things’. By that I meant that numbers are more of a concept rather than an actual object, something than can be seen or felt.

That aside, there is still something that might be considered real world examples of infinite sets like a set of points. However, in the real world there isn't really an infinitely small 0-dimensional point of no length or thickness. The smallest length in the real world, away from the abstract thoughts like infinitesimals, is a Planck length. As such, a set of points might not really be considered an example of an infinite set.

Now, you way be wondering what then, is an example of a real world infinite set. However, if we look at the definition of infinity,

Infinity (symbol: ∞) is an abstract concept describing something without any bound or larger than any number.

you will realise that infinity is a concept, so there isn’t really a real world example of an infinite set.


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pratyasha91: please mark as brainliest
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