Science, asked by madhuree4545, 6 months ago

What Is The Examples Of Monocystic Organisms? Class 8 ​


Answered by urfmir00


A type of white blood cell capable of immune functions such as phagocytosis, and can further differentiate into a macrophage or a myeloid dendritic cell


Hematopoiesis is the process of forming new blood cellular elements in vertebrates. It begins with a multipotent stem cell, a hemocytoblast, which gives rise to a common myeloid progenitor cell (CMP). The CMP, in turn, gives rise to granulocyte-monocyte colony forming units (CFU-GM), also called granulocyte-macrophage progenitor. The CFU-GM may partially differentiate into CFU-G (precursor in myelocyte-granulocyte series) or CFU-M (precursor in monocyte-macrophage series). The CFU-GM serves as the precursor for monoblasts and myeloblasts.

In the monocytic series, the monoblast is a precursor cell for promonocyte. The promonocyte matures into a monocyte. The monocyte migrates from the bone marrow to the peripheral blood through diapedesis. In humans, it constitutes the 2% to 10% of the white blood cells in the body. A monocyte is capable of immune functions, such as phagocytosis, antigen presentation, and cytokine production. It may leave the bloodstream and enters the connective tissue spaces.

Answered by sharonagchurchlogu96

monocystic zool of Or pertaining to a division ( monocystidea) of the protozoan order gregarinidia in which the body consists of one sac

monocystic consisting of a single cyst as a gregarine ex : etymology

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