what is the expression that results from the following series of steps:
Start with
for the series of step start with 1,3,5,7...
Step-by-step explanation:
it is given by (2n+1) where n belongs to whole number.
Simplify(f) applies term-rewriting rules to f and returns the simplest expression it can find.
The methods of searching for the simplest representation of an expression are different for Simplify and simplify. The simplify function performs a linear search trying to improve the result returned by the previous simplification step. The Simplify function uses the results returned by all previous simplification steps (the best-first search). The simplify function is faster. The Simplify function is slower, but more effective and more configurable.
The term “simplest” is defined as follows. One object is simpler than another if it has smaller valuation. If two objects have the same valuation, Simplify chooses the simpler object using internal heuristics. A valuation is a function that assigns a nonnegative real number to each MuPAD® object. To override the default valuation used by Simplify, use the Valuation option. Simplify uses the valuation for the best-first search as for determining the best result at the final step. However, you can define a separate method for the final simplification step by using the Criterion option.