What is the ‘farthest thing you can remember from your childhood’? Pen down your
experience in a paragraph.
There's not really a specific time that sticks out in my memory, but the happiest days of my childhood (and life actually) were definitely in summer. The first eleven summers of my life were spent in this caravan site with my granny’s best friends and their kids who were my mum’s best friends and their kids who were my best friends too. We called the adults auntie and uncle and it really felt like we were one massive family. They lived a couple hours away but in the summer we would all stay in this site by the sea. There were around twenty other kids in total and every morning we'd all race down to auntie p’s caravan and she’d make these amazing syrup pancakes for all the many kids that had suddenly crammed into her caravan. During the day, we'd walk down to the sea and spend most of the day there playing and just messing around. But my favourite bit was our water fights - the campsite had taps all around, making it perfect for them. They'd carry on for hours, with us going to ridiculous lengths just to not get a little bit more water on ourselves. At the time, the adrenaline rush was just so massive that you would hurl yourself down hills and over fences as if you really were running for your life. In the evening, we'd go down to the beach for either a barbeque or fish and chips and sing songs while attempting to start fires by rubbing pebbles together. I've lived in London all my life, so I really appreciated those times and the simplicity of it. I've promised myself that one day, when I have my own family I'll take them there and hopefully they can enjoy similar times.