What is the fastest way to solve the rubicks cube 3*3*3?
Fridrich method : The fastest Rubik's cube solution for 3x3x3
Fridrich method : The fastest Rubik's cube solution for 3x3x3Fridrich method : Advanced solution for Rubik's cube 3x3.
Fridrich method : The fastest Rubik's cube solution for 3x3x3Fridrich method : Advanced solution for Rubik's cube 3x3.Fridrich method step 1 : Solving the cross.
Fridrich method : The fastest Rubik's cube solution for 3x3x3Fridrich method : Advanced solution for Rubik's cube 3x3.Fridrich method step 1 : Solving the cross.Step 2 : The first two layers (F2L)
Fridrich method : The fastest Rubik's cube solution for 3x3x3Fridrich method : Advanced solution for Rubik's cube 3x3.Fridrich method step 1 : Solving the cross.Step 2 : The first two layers (F2L)Step 3 of Fridrich method : Orientation last layer (OLL)
Fridrich method : The fastest Rubik's cube solution for 3x3x3Fridrich method : Advanced solution for Rubik's cube 3x3.Fridrich method step 1 : Solving the cross.Step 2 : The first two layers (F2L)Step 3 of Fridrich method : Orientation last layer (OLL)Fridrich method step 4 - Permutation of the Last Layer (PLL)
Mark as me drelient please..............
fidrich method is the best and the second one is by solving cross method
mark me brainliest pls